As we move from where we are to where we want to be, we have to take new steps to get new results. This also involves confronting your fears, for most of us our worst fears.
Fear is natural. Fear is an indicator that we our out of balance, out of our comfort zones. Fear can be of commitment, anger, approval, rejection and it exists in many more forms.
We as humans have the uncanny knack of turning FEAR into POWER. What we need to know about fear is that it is manifested and created by our brain. Our brain does not understand the difference between REAL and IMAGINATION, hence whatever fears you had or have are created by the brain. It can therefore be said that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real and Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real.
Fear by nature is not negative; it’s whether you control fear or allow fear to control you.
Fear lies and Manipulates. It inhibits us from facing challenges and taking risk. It creates mental blocks, increases worry, creates muscle tension and runs the mind out of control. Fear feeds on and grows bigger as we focus on unreal and imagined obstacles.
As Robert Anton Wilson puts it “What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves”. If fear feels real to the thinker than the prover in him will back it up with all the evidence available.
Here’s an invitation to access fear and I invite you to challenge it:-
- What are your fears?
- Where do you feel the fear? (in the head, chest, stomach etc)
- What does it feel like, smell like, sound like?
- What does fear mean to you? (it means different to different people)
- Are you willing to take on you fears?
Ways to overcome fear:
Be AWARE of your thoughts and feelings.
Be AWARE of your breathing, muscle tension
Take ACTION, feel the fear and DO IT anyway.
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